Welcome back to the Richer Picture blog!
Posted on June 20, 2019 by David Niguidula
Over the next six weeks, we are going to discuss the essential questions of setting up digital badges and portfolios.
We’ll follow the outline of my new book, Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges and Portfolios. Each week, we’ll talk about a different chapter:
- Chapter 1. Setting the Vision
- What does mastery look like?
- What can portfolios tell us about students as learners – and as individuals?
- Chapter 2. Defining Badges
- What do we want our students to know and be able to do?
- Chapter 3. Creating Portfolio-Worthy Tasks
- How do students earn the badges?
- What goes into the portfolio?
- How do we create portfolio-worthy tasks?
- Chapter 4. Effective Feedback with Schoolwide Rubrics
- How do we decide what’s “good” or, at least, “good enough”?
- Chapter 5. Tours: Student Presentations of Portfolios
- How do students present their best work? Who is the audience?
- Chapter 6. Creating a Badge- and Portfolio-Friendly School Culture
- How do we make sure the portfolios are valued?
- How do we build on what we already have?
- What else has to change?
I’ll post a short item here in our blog, and you’ll be able to contribute to the conversation in the comments. (If you are coming to this page after the original study session dates, please feel free to add to the conversation anyway! We’ll keep checking this site over time.)
We hope you’ll share your thoughts about what works for you, what obstacles you might face in your setting, and how you have been able to overcome them. Everyone is welcome!
Other posts
- Test July 2021
- Curriculum and Assessment Resources
- Supporting Rhode Island’s April Reading Challenge with Richer Picture
- No Final Exams? Use Portfolios To Capture the Year of Learning
- Personal Entries: How To Capture Home Learning Moments
- Personalizing Assessment with Digital Badges
- Demonstrating the Whole Child with Digital Badges
- Project-Based Learning and Digital Portfolios
- Individual Learning Plans and Digital Badges
- Using Data Dashboards Effectively
- New Initiatives? Digital Portfolios Can Help
- Chapter 6: Building a Badge- and Portfolio-Friendly Culture
- Chapter 5: Tours – Student Presentations of Badges and Portfolios
- Chapter 4: Effective Feedback and Rubrics
- Chapter 3: Creating Portfolio-Worthy / Badge-Worthy Tasks
- Chapter 2: Defining Badges
- Chapter 1: Setting the Vision
- Welcome back to the Richer Picture blog!
- What Does Competency-Based Learning Really Mean?
- Badges and the Habits of Mind
- Badges, Pathways and Success Plans
- Digital Badges and Goal-Setting
- Portfolios and report cards
- Reflecting on reflections
- How do we introduce portfolios in our school?
- How do we share rubrics?
- What does “personalization” mean?
- Mini-exhibitions – a first step on the journey
- A Guide for Transformation — “Bold Moves” by Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Marie Alcock
- Portfolios and Badges – A Guide Throughout the Year
- Starting at the End
- A Framework for Personalization – “Students at the Center” by Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda
- Computer Science Standards
- Digital Badges and Portfolios
- Portfolios vs Scrapbooks
- Organizing Your Portfolio Around Competencies
- What Goes into a Portfolio?
- Welcome!
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The New ASCD Book from David Niguidula

Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges & Portfolio
Step by step, this book lays out how your school can become more personalized and achieve higher degrees of mastery simultaneously