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Publications of our Work
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Jul 29 2021
Publications of our Work
Bold Moves for Schools: How We Create Remarkable Learning Environments
Jan 01 2017
Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Marie Hubley Alcock, ASCD
Publications of our Work
Digital Learning Strategies: How Do I Assign and Assess 21st Century Work?
Jan 01 2014
Michael Fisher, ASCD
Publications of our Work
Portraits of Students in a Digital Age
Feb 07 2003
Boas, K., Providence Journal (Northwest Edition). Describes digital portfolio project at Ponaganset High School.
Publications of our Work
Interview with David Moscarelli: "Technology can help align education, modern workforce."
Dec 31 1969
Providence Business News
Publications of our Work
How Digital Portfolios Document and Motivate Learning
Dec 31 1969
Allison Zmuda
Publications of our Work
3 Keys for a Successful E-Portfolio Implementation
Dec 31 1969
Sharleen Nelson, THE Journal
Publications of our Work
"New Life to Digital Portfolios" Teachers Teaching Teachers
Dec 31 1969
Paul Allison
Publications of our Work
Digital Portfolios -
Dec 31 1969
Bob Pearlman
Publications of our Work
Dec 31 1969
Melinda Kolk
Publications of our Work
Creating a Richer Picture
Dec 31 1969
Kelly Rizzo,
Publications of our Work
Wrapping My mind Around Digital Portfolios
Dec 31 1969
Silvia Tolisano
Publications of our Work
Teachers at Global Tech, won a Goldie Anna award for their use of Richer Picture as part of their innovative classrooms
Dec 31 1969
David Baiz and Valerie Miller, A video about the work that led to this award can be found here
Publications of our Work
Digital Portfolios: An Alternative Approach to Assessing Progress
Dec 31 1969
Jeff Archer, Education Week
Publications of our Work
Accountability: Meeting The Challenge With Technology
Dec 31 1969
J. Salpeter, Technology and Learning. This article focuses on how technology is being applied to handle new issues of assessment and accountability. Among the examples is the Mamaroneck, New York, school district, which is using data (including digital portfolios) to create new kinds of flows of information about student achievement.
Publications of our Work
Digital portfolios: An enduring promise for enhancing assessment
Dec 31 1969
Riconscente, M.