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Articles by Staffs
test add news and media june 18 2021 (bea)
Jun 18 2021
Articles by Staffs
Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges and Portfolios
Jan 01 2017
David Niguidula, ASCD
Articles by Staffs
Digital Portfolios and Curriculum Maps: Linking Student and Teacher Work?
Jan 01 2010
David Niguidula, published in Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, ed., ASCD
Articles by Staffs
Written Input to US Department of Education, Race to the Top Assessment Program
Nov 01 2009
David Niguidula
Articles by Staffs
Whose Portfolio Is It, Anyway?
May 01 2006
David Niguidula, published in Handbook of Research on ePortfolios, A. Jafari and C. Kaufman, eds., Idea Group
Articles by Staffs
Documenting Learning with Digital Portfolios
Nov 01 2005
David Niguidula, Educational Leadership. Available from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Articles by Staffs
Side Effects and Benefits of Digital Portfolios: The Culture Factor
Oct 01 2004
David Niguidula, Hilarie Davis and Gail Ring, Paper submitted for ePortfolio conference, European Institute for E-Learning, La Rochelle, France
Articles by Staffs
How Technology Can Improve Assessment and Accountability
Jan 01 2003
David Niguidula, in Better Teaching and Learning the Digital Classroom (D. T. Gordon, ed.), Cambridge: Harvard Education Press